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Inclusive Product Range

We have created a range of Putting Games and Adaptive Putters that are ideally suited to people of all abilities.

Who's using our Interactive Putting Games and Adaptive Putters?

  • Occupational Therapists - Great Occupational Therapy Tool
  • Physiotherapists - Rehab
  • NDIS Providers - Community and Social Activity Programs
  • Individuals - Social and Family Engagement
How would an individual benefit from our Putting Games?

Our Putting Games promote the following:

  • Hand and eye coordination
  • Change of focus - i.e. From Computer Games
  • Game and social Interaction
  • Structured engagement
  • Positive experiences
  • Family Interaction
  • Positive reinforcement
  • Physical and social development  
Why would someone purchase a product from our Adaptive range?
  • Being able to engage socially in a game play activity with friends and family is great fun.
  • Having an activity that you can play in the comfort of your home is extremely convenient and beneficial.
  • Having both indoor and outdoor options that can easily be incorporated into your NDIS Provider Program is a great option to have. 


CLICK HERE to learn more about Adaptive Putter and Wheelchair Information.

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Here is the link to all of our NDIS Range of Products.